Second Plenary Council of the Philippines (PCP-II) -Compendium of Resources-
James H. Kroeger
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The Second Plenary Council of the Philippines (PCP-II) convened from January20 until February 17, 1991. Its avowed theme was Church renewal and evangelization in the spirit and vision of the Second Vatican Council. The 490 delegates included 94 bishops, 226 priests, 12 sisters, 2 brothers, and 156 laity. This event has been termed a “Philippine Pentecost”; participants experienced the dynamic presence of the Holy Spirit as they discerned the pathways of the Church in the Philippines. Pivotal themes of PCP-II include: Community of Disciples, Church of the Poor, Renewed Integral Evangelization, and Basic Ecclesial Communities.

This article is a comprehensive “compendium of resources” intended for Church personnel who desire to appreciate the rich theological thought and pastoral vision inherent in PCP-II. This material becomes particularly relevant as the local Church evaluates its progress twenty years after the PCP-II event (1991-2011). Filipino Catholics—bishops, pastors, religious, seminarians, laity, youth—will find much helpful material to guide them as active participants in the “ecclesiogenesis” of the local Church. In particular, this compendium can serve the needs of students of theology and those preparing for ministry in the Philippine Church.

Year Published