Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Sociology - National University of Singapore (NUS)
Master of Arts (MA) in Sociology - University of the Philippines Diliman (UPD)
Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Sociology (cum laude) - University of the Philippines Diliman (UPD)
Dr. Manuel J. Sapitula is a professor of SVST teaching different subjects in Masteral and in PhD program. Before entering the seminary he was a professor at UP Diliman teaching various subjects in the Department of Sociology. He is a member of various organization such as in International Sociological Association (ISA), Research Committee (RC 22) on the Sociology of Religion, Pi Gamma Mu International Honor Society for the Social Sciences, and Philippine Sociological Society (PSS) among others.
A. Books
• (Instructional Material for K-12) Cornelio, Jayeel S., Calano, Mark Joseph T., and Sapitula, Manuel Victor J. (2016). Introduction to World Religions and Belief Systems. Manila: Rex Publishing.
B. Journal Articles
• Sapitula, Manuel Victor J. (2015). Doing Research in the Global Village: Assessing Present Realities and Future Trajectories. Hapag: A Journal of Interdisciplinary Theological Research 17(1): 9-24.
• Sapitula, Manuel Victor J. (2014). Marian Piety and Modernity: The Perpetual Help Devotion as Popular Religion in the Philippines. Philippine Studies: Historical and Ethnographic Viewpoints 62(3-4). September-December: 399-424.
• Sapitula, Manuel Victor J. (2013). Ang Pagiging Deboto Bilang Pakikipagkapwa: Isang Panimulang Pagsusuri sa mga Liham Pasasalamat sa mga Deboto ng Ina ng Laging Saklolo sa Baclaran. Daluyan: Journal ng Wikang Filipino 19(2). Agosto: 111-132.
• Sapitula, Manuel Victor J. (2010). The Formation and Maintenance of Catholic Traditionalism: A Preliminary Sociological Appraisal. Philippine Social Sciences Review 62(2). July-December: 71-99.
• Sapitula, Manuel Victor J. (2007). Towards a Reflexive Conception of Religious Conversion/Switching: Some Theoretical Notes Using Pierre Bourdieu’s Reflexivist Sociology. Social Sciences and Humanities Review 1(1). October: 59-71.
C. Book Chapters
• Sapitula, Manuel Victor J. (2019). Articulations of religiously motivated nationalism within Philippine Catholicism: a critical assessment. In Giorgio Shani & Takashi Kibe (eds.). Religion and Nationalism in Asia. Politics in Asia series. London: Routledge, 47-61.
• Sapitula, Manuel Victor J. (2017). Assessing the Relevance of the Perpetual Help Devotion in the Philippines Today: A View from the Social Sciences. In Karl Gaspar & Desiree A.B. Mendoza, eds. Our Mother of Perpetual Help Icon and the Filipinos: Multidisciplinary Perspectives to a Perpetual Help Spirituality. Quezon City: Institute for Spirituality in Asia & Redemptorist Province of Cebu and Vice Province of Manila, 101-114.
• Sapitula, Manuel Victor J. (2016). Buddhist Meditation and Emerging Pluralism in the Philippines: Toward Sketching a Preliminary Trajectory. In Withaya Sucharithanarugse (ed.). Interpretative Studies on Southeast Asian Culture. Bangkok: Institute of Thai Studies –Chulalongkorn University, 135-157.
• Sapitula, Manuel Victor J. & Cheryll Ruth R. Soriano. (2016). My Letter to Heaven via E-mail: Translocal Piety and Mediated Selves in Urban Marian Piety in the Philippines. In Sun Sun Lim & Cheryll Ruth R. Soriano (eds.). Asian Perspectives on Digital Culture. Emerging Phenomena, Enduring Concepts. New York & Oxford: Routledge, 33-51.
• Sapitula, Manuel Victor J. (2014). Overcoming ‘hierarchized conviviality’ in the Manila metropolis: Religious pluralism and urbanization in the Philippines. In Chiara Formichi (ed.) Religious Pluralism, State and Society in Asia. Routledge Religion in Contemporary Asia Series. London: Routledge, 138-152.
• Sapitula, Manuel Victor J. (2013). Le christianisme, une synthèse sociohistorique. Philippines Contemporaines. Bangkok: Institut de Recherche sur l'Asie du Sud-Est Contemporaine (IRASEC), 307-326.
D. Book Reviews
• Sapitula, Manuel Victor J. (2018). Book Review – Mother Figured: Marian Apparitions and the Making of a Filipino Universal (2016), by Deirdre De la Cruz. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 24: 193-194.
• Sapitula, Manuel Victor J. (2017). Book Review – Being Catholic in the Contemporary Philippines: Young People Interpreting Religion (2016), by Jayeel S. Cornelio. Budhi: A Journal of Ideas and Culture 21(1): 162-169.
• Sapitula, Manuel Victor J. (2017). Book review – Tulong: An Articulation of Politics in the Christian Philippines (2015) by Chuan Yen Soon. Asian Studies 53(1): 143-146.
• Sapitula, Manuel Victor J. (2016). Book review – Handbook of Religion and the Asian City: Aspiration and Urbanization in the Twenty-First Century (2015), edited by Peter van der Veer. Social Sciences and Missions 29: 409-411.
• Sapitula, Manuel Victor J. (2015, online). Isang Paanyaya tungo sa Komparatibong Pag-aaral ng Relihiyon at Paniniwala sa Timog Silangang Asya (Isang rebyu sa akda ni Pattana Kitiarsa [2012]. Mediums, Monks & Amulets: Thai Popular Buddhism Today. Chiang Mai : Silkworm Books), wpcontent/uploads/2016/01/10-Rebyu-Sapitula.pdf.
• Sapitula, Manuel Victor J. (2012, online). Book Review – Pook at Paninindigan: Kritika ng PantayongPananaw (2009). Harvard-Yenching Institute (New Frontiers in Asian Scholarship),
• Sapitula, Manuel Victor J. (2011). Book Review – Gonzales, Joaquin Jay. (2009). Filipino American Faith in Action: Immigration, Religion and Civic Engagement.Asian Journal of Social Science 39(1): 98-99.
• Sapitula, Manuel Victor J. (2006). Book Review – Tarrow, Sidney (2005), The New Transnational Activism. Kasarinlan: Philippine Journal of Third World Studies 21(2). November: 167-170.
E. Other publications
• Sapitula, Manuel Victor J. and Josephine C. Dionisio. (2016). Qualitative Research on the ICM Transformation Program. Research report submitted to Innovations for Poverty Action (IPA).
• Sapitula, Manuel Victor J. (2015, online). Religious Pluralism and Sociological Engagement: Reflections of a Young Sociologist from the Philippines. ISA e-Symposium for Sociology.
F. Participation in Academic Conferences, Symposia and Fora
• Paper presenter, “Do Our Schools Promote Religious Pluralism?: Problems and Prospects in the Teaching of World Religions in Public Senior High Schools in the Philippines”. Sociology Public Lecture Series. Palma Hall 207 (CSSP AVR), UP Diliman. 11 April 2019.
• Paper presenter, “Religious Literacy in Peacebuilding: Prospects of Religious Knowledge and Attitudes in Peacebuilding among Senior High School Students in Metro Manila”. Mindanao Peace Studies Conference IV: Poverty, Politics, and Peace. Father Saturnino Urios University (FSUU). 20-21 November 2018.
• Paper presenter, “Religious Literacy as a Corrective to Discrimination? Understanding Social Justice Imperatives through the Lens of the Sociological Imagination”. National Conference of the Philippine Sociological Society (PSS). University of the Philippines Cebu. 6-7 October 2017.
• Paper presenter, “Buddhist Meditation and Emerging Pluralism in the Philippines”. Association for Asian Studies (AAS) Annual Meeting. Sheraton Centre Toronto, Toronto, Canada. 17-19 March 2017.
• Main speaker, “Pathways to Merciful Engagement with the World: Views and Practices from Different Religions”. Resource Center for Social Concerns, St. Vincent School of Theology (SVST). Tandang Sora, Quezon City, 4 February 2017.
• Paper presenter, “Religious Literacy: Problems and Prospects in Philippine Public High Schools”. Association for the Sociology of Religion (ASR). Renaissance Seattle Hotel, Seattle, WA, United States. 19-21 August 2016.
• Paper presenter, “Fostering Religious Literacy in Philippine Public Schools: Assessing Possibilities and Challenges”. National Social Science Congress. Lyceum of the Philippines Batangas City. 15-17 June 2016.
• Plenary speaker, “Ang Piyesta sa Kulturang Pilipino: Isang Panimulang Pagtanaw mula sa Sosyolohiya”. PSYNERGY 10: Diwang Pinoy sa mga Pagdiriwang Pinoy. Pambansang Samahan sa Sikolohiyang Pilipino (PSSP) & TATSULOK-Alyansa ng mga Mag-aaral sa Sikolohiyang Pilipino. De La Salle University Manila. 26 February 2016.
• Plenary speaker, “Social Science Executive Talks”. In celebration of the anniversary of the PNU Social Science Club. Philippine Normal University (PNU) Manila. 13 January 2016.
• Plenary speaker, “Toward an ASEAN Community: Talking Points for the Philippines”. The Impact of ASEAN Integration on the Philippines: An Interdisciplinary Analysis. Asian Center, University of the Philippines Diliman. 5 November 2015.
• Guest speaker, Kwentong Socio Undergrad. UP Kalipunan ng mga Mag-aaral ng Sosyolohiya (KMS). Department of Sociology, University of the Philippines Diliman. 4 Nov 2015.
• Paper presenter, “Fostering Religious Literacy in Philippine Public Schools: Assessing Possibilities and Challenges”. 2015 National Conference of the Philippine Sociological Society (PSS). Mindanao State University-Iligan Institute of Technology (MSU-IIT). 16-17 October 2015.
• Paper presenter, “Re-positioning the Vagaries of Religious Marginality: An Exploration of Buddhist-Christian Dual Belonging in the Philippines”. 8th Conference of the European Association for Southeast Asian Studies (EuroSEAS), University of Vienna, Austria. 11-14 August 2015.
• Paper presenter, “Reframing Religion of the Heart: The Interplay of Affect and Authenticity in Modern Piety”. 33rdInternational Society for the Sociology of Religion (ISSR) Conference, Universite catholique de Louvain, Louvain la Neuve, Belgium. 1-5 July 2015.
• Plenary speaker, “Mga Kwento ni Lolo Kiko: A Forum on Youth, Religion and #PopeFrancisPH”. Philippine League of Sociology Students (PLSS) and Philippine Sociological Society (PSS), PH 400, University of the Philippines. Diliman, Quezon City. 31 January 2015.
• Paper presenter, “Doing research in the Global Village: Assessing Present Realities and Future Trajectories”. Damdaming Katoliko sa Teolohiya (DAKATEO) National Conference, Donsol, Sorsogon (Philippines). 24-26 October 2014.
• Main presenter, “Thou Shalt Vote: A Forum on Electoral Endorsement by Religious Organizations in the Philippines”. UP Political Society (UP Polsci), PH 324-326, University of the Philippines Diliman. Quezon City, Philippines. 23 September 2014.
• Paper presenter, “Grounding Buddhist Meditation: An Exploration of Philippine ‘Cultural Logic’ in Understanding an Emerging Practice”. ENITAS (Empowering Network of Thai and ASEAN Studies) Research Conference, Pathumwan Princess Hotel. Bangkok, Thailand. 5-7 June 2014.
• Paper presenter, “The Devotional Self in Contemporary Marian Piety: Modern Transitions and the Maintenance of Popular Religion in the Philippines”. Philippine Studies Conference in Japan (PSCJ), Kyoto University. Kyoto, Japan. 28 February-1 March 2014.
• Plenary session presenter, “Managing Religious Diversification in Urban Space: State Regulation and the Vagaries of Religious Conviviality in Metro Manila”. Church and State: Dynamic Transitions, 2013 National Conference of the Philippine Sociological Society (PSS), Mariano Marcos State University (MMSU). Batac (Ilocos Norte), Philippines. 17-19 October 2013.
• Paper presenter, “Popular religion and social transformation: a sociological assessment of the Perpetual Help Devotion in the Philippines”. Sociology and Social Transformations in the Asia-Pacific Region: The 11thAsia-Pacific Sociological Association (APSA), Ateneo de Manila University (Quezon City).22 – 24 October 2012.
• Paper presenter, “Shrines and mosques in an urban neighborhood: religious pluralism and the exigencies of urbanization in Baclaran district in Metro Manila”. Workshop on Placing Religious Pluralism in Asian Global Cities, Asia Research Institute (ARI).5 – 6 May 2011.
• Paper presenter, “Catholic popular religion and the transition to modernity: the case of the Perpetual Help devotion in the Philippines. Sociology on the Move: XVII World Congress of Sociology, International Sociological Association (ISA). Gothenburg, Sweden. 11-17 July 2010.
• Paper presenter, “Social science research and sexual violence against women (SVAW): Insights and reflections toward theological reflection”, Sexual Violence against Women: An Interdisciplinary Theological Conference. Damdaming Katoliko sa Teolohiya (DAKATEO). Tagaytay City, Philippines. 24-25 October 2008.
• Paper presenter, “The Formation and Maintenance of Traditionalist Catholicism: A Preliminary Sociological Appraisal of the Society of St. Pius X (SSPX) in the Philippines”, TALASTASAN Paper Presentation Series, College of Social Sciences and Philosophy, University of the Philippines Diliman. 14 February 2008.
• Paper presenter, “The formation of priestly character in contemporary Roman Catholic seminaries: Towards a sociological framework to interpret an educational practice”, Sociologizing Education: Meanings, Trends and Issues. Philippine Sociological Society, Ateneo de Manila University. 18-19 October 2007.
• Paper presenter, “Traditionalist Catholic piety and the discursification of resistance to modernism: the case of the Society of St. Pius X (SSPX) in the Philippines”, Postgraduate Workshop, Asia Research Institute (ARI), 10-11 July 2007.
• Paper presenter, “Towards a reflexive conception of religious conversion/switching using Pierre Bourdieu’s concept of Habitus”, Issues and Methodologies in Social Thought, Polytechnic University of the Philippines. 23 March 2007.
• Paper presenter, “Exploring Catholic traditionalism in the Philippine setting: the case of the Society of St. Pius X”, The Practice of Sociology in the Philippines, Philippine Sociological Society, De La Salle University-Taft, 20-21 October 2006.
A. As Resource Speaker/Trainor
• Guest speaker, Social Investigation in the Pastoral Field: Analyzing Social Structures for Pastoral Action. Our Lady of the Angels Seminary-College Graduate School & Inter-Congregational Theological Center (ICTC). Novaliches, Quezon City, 25 November 2019.
• Resource speaker, Catechetical Education as Religious Literacy: Some Sociological Reflections. National Catechetical Study (NCS), Thomas Aquinas Research Center University of Santo Tomas, Manila, 27 February 2019.
• Resource speaker, Qualitative Research Methods, Public Service Writing Fellowship Writeshop. UP Padayon Public Service Office. National Institute for Science and Mathematics Education Development (NISMED), UP Diliman, 8-9 November 2018.
• Resource speaker, Public Management Development Program (PMDP) – Development Perspectives. Development Academy of the Philippines (DAP). DAP Convention Center, Tagaytay City, 24-28 September 2018.
• Resource Speaker, PAST: Perspectives Across Space and Time – UP Praxis. Palma Hall, UP Diliman, 24 August 2018.
• Resource Speaker, Gender and Development (GAD) Research Mentoring. Philippine Normal University (PNU) – University Center for Gender and Development. Orchid Garden Suites, Malate, Manila. 23 August 2018.
• Workshop Speaker and Facilitator, Conversational Methods in Social Research. 2018 CSSP Extramural Training Seminar for Social Science Teachers. University of the Philippines Baguio, 28-30 April 2018.
• Plenary Speaker, Developing Assessment Tools for Sociology in the K-12 Curriculum. Fourth National Conference on Social Studies Education: Measuring Thinking Skills Through Classroom Assessment in Social Studies. UP College of Education Social Studies Area & Organization of Social Studies Teachers in the Philippines. Benitez Hall, College of Education, University of the Philippines Diliman, 26 April 2018.
• Resource speaker and Facilitator, Developing Junior Faculty Members’ Research Skills as a Tool for Enriching the Contents of ASCOT Curricular Offerings and Development Extension Programs. Aurora State College of Technology. Baler, Aurora, 4-5 January 2018.
• Resource speaker (Qualitative Research Methods), Public Service Writing Fellowship Writeshop. UP Padayon Public Service Office. Executive House, National Arts Center, Mt. Makiling, Laguna, 24-25 October 2017.
• Resource speaker, Public Management Development Program (PMDP) – Development Perspectives. Development Academy of the Philippines (DAP). DAP Convention Center, Tagaytay City, 31 July-4 August 2017.
• Session Trainer/Speaker, “Focus Group Discussion”, 2017 UP CSSP Extramural Training for Social Science Teachers, College of Social Sciences and Philosophy. Quezon City: UP Diliman, 23 April 2017.
• Plenary/Resource Speaker, “Flow of the Research Process”, 2017 UP CSSP Extramural Training for Social Science Teachers, College of Social Sciences and Philosophy. Quezon City: UP Diliman, 22 April 2017.
• Resource Speaker, “SALIKSIK: A Seminar on Qualitative, Quantitative and Mixed Research Methods”, UST Sociological Society. Manila: Albertus Magnus Auditorium, University of Santo Tomas, 6 April 2017.
• Training Facilitator, “Qualitative Research, In-depth Interview (IDI) and Focus Group Discussion (FGD)”, Innovations for Poverty Action (IPA), Go Hotels Dumaguete. Dumaguete City, Negros Oriental, 31 March – 1 April, 2017.
• Speaker (Tagapagsalita), “Research Capability Seminar: Writing Quantitative and Qualitative Research Reports”, Kolehiyo ng Social Sciences at Pilosopiya (KSSP), Bulacan State University. Malolos, Bulacan, 1 March 2017.
• Resource Speaker, “Forum on Sociological Research”, Department of Sociology, College of Social Sciences and Humanities (CSSH). Mindanao State University-General Santos City (MSU-GSC). General Santos City, 23 February 2017.
• Resource Speaker, “Research Planning Workshop”, College of Social Sciences and Humanities (CSSH). Mindanao State University-General Santos City (MSU-GSC). General Santos City, 22 February 2017.
• Resource Speaker, Methodological Reflections: Doing Research on Women, PNU University Gender and Development Office. Manila, BPS Auditorium, Philippine Normal University, 12 November 2016.
• Speaker (Tagapagsalita), Workshop to Review Social Science General Education Courses, College of Social Sciences and Philosophy (CSSP), University of the Philippines Diliman. Quezon City, Microtel by Wyndham, 24-25 October 2016.
• Speaker (Tagapagsalita), “Pandayang Pagsasanay sa Kwalitatibo at Kwantitatibong Pananaliksik”, Kolehiyo ng Social Sciences at Pilosopiya (KSSP), Bulacan State University. Malolos, Bulacan, 21 October 2016.
• Facilitator, “Strategic Planning Workshop”, College Executive Board (CEB) – College of Engineering, UP Diliman. First Pacific Leadership Academy, Antipolo City, 15 October 2016.
• Resource speaker/Trainor, “Qualitative Research”, University of Northern Philippines (UNP), 25-27 July 2016.
• Resource Speaker, “Student Admissions, Course Demand, Teaching Load”, CSSP Faculty Conference 2016: KKK – Kumprensiya ng Kaguruan tungkol sa K-12, College of Social Sciences and Philosophy, UP Diliman. Forest Lodge, Baguio City, 1-2 July 2016.
• Resource speaker/Trainor, “Training Sessions for K-12 Program Implementation”. Department of Education (DepEd) – National Capital Region (NCR). Atrium Hotel, Pasay City, 27-29 May 2016.
• Resource speaker/Trainor, “The Qualitative Research Paper”. National Kidney and Transplant Institute (NKTI). Diagnostic Center, NKTI Quezon City, 11-12 May 2016.
• Resource speaker, Public Management Development Program (PMDP) – Development Perspectives. Development Academy of the Philippines (DAP). DAP Convention Center, Tagaytay City, 16-20 May 2016.
• Resource Speaker/Trainor (with Dr. Marie Joy Arguillas), “Research Proposal Writeshop Using Mixed Methods: Qualitative and Quantitative Research”. College of Educational Training and Development, Mindanao State University-General Santos City. CETD Auditorium, General Santos City, 29-31 May 2015.
• Resource speaker, “A Primer on Qualitative Data Analysis”. Q2 Research Power Times Two: A Preliminary Practice Quantitative and Qualitative Software. Philippine League of Sociology Students (PLSS), University of Santo Tomas (UST). Manila, Philippines. 23 November 2013.
• Resource speaker, “How to Write a Sociological Research Paper”. Sociosphere SOCIO-ssistance, Sociology Conference Room, Department of Sociology, University of the Philippines. Diliman, Quezon City. 2 September 2013.
• Resource speaker, “Harvard-Yenching Institute (HYI) Visiting Fellows’ Programme”. Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences, National University of Singapore (NUS). 5 March 2013.
B. Judge for Local Competition
• Member, Board of Evaluators. 2018 ASCOT Agency In-House Review of Ongoing and Completed Research & Extension Projects. Aurora State College of Technology (ASCOT) – Zabali Campus, Baler, Aurora. 12 December 2018.
C. Moderator/Rapporteur for Academic Fora
• Moderator (Parallel Session), The Sociology of Justice. 2017 National Conference of the Philippine Sociological Society. University of the Philippines Cebu. 6-7 October 2017.
• Moderator (Plenary Session), Imagined Democracies: Transformations of Power and Knowledge in Philippine Society. 2016 National Conference of the Philippine Sociological Society. Ateneo de Davao University. 7-8 October 2016.
• Moderator, Occupation and Liberation: An International Conference on the Pacific War in the Philippines. GT Toyota Asian Cultural Center, UP Diliman. 3-5 September 2015.
A. Editorship of Academic Journals
• Editor-in-Chief, Philippine Sociological Review, Philippine Sociological Society (PSS), Philippine Social Science Center, Quezon City, October 2017 to present.
• Associate Editor, Social Science Diliman, University of the Philippines Diliman, Quezon City. March 2014 to present.
• Editor (with Jayeel S. Cornelio, Ph.D.), Philippine Sociological Review (PSR)Volume 62 - Special Issue on the Sociology of Religion, Philippine Sociological Society (PSS), Philippine Social Science Center, Quezon City. January to October 2014.
B. Participation in Conference Organizing
• Member, Scientific Committee, Third CSSP Graduate Students’ Research Conference, University of the Philippines Diliman. February to April 2017.
• Co-Chair of Scientific Committee, First CSSP Graduate Students’ Research Conference, University of the Philippines Diliman. October 2014 to March 2015.
• Member of Organizing Committee, 2014 Philippine Sociological Society (PSS) National Conference.1 August – 16 October 2014.
C. Ongoing and Completed Research
• Sole Researcher, Fostering Religious Literacy: Problems and Prospects in the Philippines. PhD Incentive Award, Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research and Development, University of the Philippines Diliman. 1 June 2015 – present.
• Research Associate, Village Base Station (VBTS) Philippines. CHED-PCARI, University of the Philippines Diliman. March 2016 to present.
• Sole Researcher, Articulations of Religiously-motivated Nationalism within Philippine Catholicism: A Critical Assessment. Religion and Nationalism in Asia, Professors Giorgio Shani and Takashi Kibe (project leaders). 1 April – 31 December 2017.
• Proponent (with Josephine C. Dionisio), Qualitative Research on the International Care Ministries (ICM) Transform Program, Innovations for Poverty Action (IPA). March to May 2017.
• Research Associate, Early Childhood Care and Development (ECCD) in the Philippines. UP Population Institute (UPPI) and ECCD Council. August 2014 to June 2015.
• Lead (Sole) Researcher, Grounding Buddhist Meditation: An Exploration of Philippine ‘Cultural Logic’ in Understanding an Emerging Practice, Institute of Thai Studies – Chulalongkorn University, Thailand. April to October 2014.
• Social Science Component Coordinator, Sexual Violence against Women: An Interdisciplinary Theological Research Project. c/o St. Vincent School of Theology (SVST), June 2007 to present.
• Field Researcher, United Nations Educational, Social and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), Assessment/evaluation of Community Learning Centers (CLCs), August 2007 – February 2008.
• Research Associate (Project 3), Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research and Development Open Grants, The Digital Provide: Bridging Rural Communities through Emerging, Disruptive & Sustaining Information Technologies, December 2006 – June 2008.
D. Trainings Attended and Participated
• Participant, Student Disciplinary Council Seminar-Workshop 2016 on Promoting Student Ethical Behavior and Campus Restorative Justice. UP Office of International Linkages and UP Diliman Student Disciplinary Council, UP School of Economics Auditorium, 20-21 July 2016.
• Participant, Interreligious Dialogue and Peacebuilding: Approaches. Mindanao Peacebuilding Institute, Mergrande Ocean Resort, Davao City, Philippines. 1-5 June 2015.
• Participant, Principles of Health Research Ethics and Good Clinical Practice (GCP). University of the Philippines Manila-National Institutes of Health (UPM-NIH), Marco Polo Hotel, Pasig City. 4-5 December 2014.
• Participant, Applying Discourse Theory: The Logics of Critical Explanation. Summer School Program, University of Essex, Colchester, England. 26 July-6 August 2010.
• Participant, Training on Qualitative Research Techniques. Arnold Bergstraesser Institute, held in UP Diliman and Gilarmi Apartments, Makati City, 17-20 May 2006.
LIBRARY COMMITTEE | Director: Fr. Dario Pacheco, CM Librarian: Ms. Maylene Urcia Members: Fr. Daniel Franklin Pilario, CM, PhD, SThD Fr. Rolando Tuazon, CM, PhD, SThD Fr. Manuel Ginete, CM, PhD, SthD |
RESEARCH COMMITTEE | Director: Fr. Rex. Fortes, CM, PhD, SThD Members: Fr. Kenneth Centeno, CM, PhD Dr. Emiliano Ibera III, PhD Fr. Manuel Ginete, CM, PhD |
NETWORK & LINKAGES COMMITTEE | Director: Fr. John Era, CM, PhD Members: Mr. Enrique Batangan Dr. Emiliano Ibera III, PhD Fr. Rolando Tuazon, CM, PhD, SThD Fr. Daniel Franklin Pilario, CM, PhD, SThD |
CURRICULUM & SYLLABI COMMITTEE | Director: Fr. Rolando Tuazon, CM, PhD, SThD Members: Fr. Kenneth Centeno, CM, PhD Fr. Dario Pacheco, CM Dr. Emiliano Ibera III, PhD |
SCHOLARSHIP COMMITTEE | Director: Fr. Manuel Ginete, CM, PhD Members: Fr. Rolando Tuazon, CM, PhD, SThD Fr. John Era, CM, PhD Ms. Erna Carreon Mr. Rodiper Calumpiano |